Guide of the new features of Aion 2.5 Empyrean Calling

Players have a lot of new experiences that await them in Aion with the update Empyrean Calling, these include:

- Two new instances of Group Esoterrace, underground facilities Balaur research, and Empyrean Crucible, an endurance test that will challenge players to be measured against hordes of vicious monsters
- Map revision system with dynamic objects and features.
- Improved high resolution graphics that will make Atreia a much more beautiful than ever
- Several features have been improved character customization, including facial expressions are more varied and new body types.
- Added two new skills for each class with the update.
- New features of the Legion that will expand the social dynamics of Aion.
- New pets, among which include collecting loot pets or buff pets as well as additional features.
- Players will find luxury clothing available in the Gallery and Boutique Grandeur of Vanahal. In addition, players can buy a new clothing line.
- Players have new casts of weapons and armors with update 2.5, among which include brigadier General weapons and armor.
- New mentor system that will connect users of higher and lower levels.

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