[GamesCom] Atlantica Online: Troy exclusive video presentation

We have talked with Benedikt Leurs, product manager for Key Factor, Elisa SooKyung, marketing manager for Ndoors, and Andre Ruff, german community manager for Ndoors, during GamesCom, about Troy. They have showed us Troy, its new features, and we have filmed some really impressive videos which you can watch right here, in HD quality, through our channel. Also, you can check out the new screenshots we have uploaded.

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Troy utilizes Atlantica Online’s latest evolution in turn-based combat: The Tactical Battle System (TBS).  With this system, there are many ways to play: Tactical Battles offer Raid-style encounters for teams of friends to overcome; Skirmishes allow casual players to dive straight into battle with standard groups of enemies. Neither system replaces Atlantica’s lauded classic combat system, instead allowing players to choose from a wide range of playstyles.

Through TBS, players command up to eight mercenaries, recruited in their travels, along with their main characters in TBS. Each mercenary has unique traits and abilities, allowing complete customization of a team - and just like the main character, mercenaries level up and grow in strength through gameplay.

Players can form squads with their friends and guild mates to fight in colossal struggles of conquest with dozens of characters per side. And with as many as nine players in a Trojan War battle, and up to four characters under each player’s control, TBS takes strategic combat to a whole new, epic level.

As the weather changes, wind can spread fires while rain might cause flooding. Players can set traps for their enemies at strategic locations, or use the buildings at their base camp to upgrade their mercenaries. In TBS, the most resourceful tactician is the victor.



Along with TBS, Atlantica Online introduces the My Home System, which allows players to customize their "home". Once players purchase a home, they can visit it from any location with the click of a button. By crafting or purchasing any of the hundreds of furnishings available, players can create a truly unique home and safe haven for themselves.

Mercenaries leveled up through combat by players can be hired to work as chefs and artisans in his household.  These employees will hold conversations, cook meals, and craft items on the player’s command. Players can throw parties for their friends to receive buffs, use cabinets and armoires to store their items, and harvest resources from their yard. Owning a house becomes a practical investment for the active homeowner.


Are you ready to Troy? Check here all you need to know about Atlantica. And visit its official website.

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