How Free-to-Play is Seafight?

Seafight is a free to play pirate PVP strategy game from Bigpoint, a browser based MMO where players are able to upgrade their pirate ships and fight each other for rank and rewards. An older title that has been around for many years, Seafight is said to be free to play, however we’ll see if the business model really does offer free game play.

EN - Question 1

No. Seafight can be played for free through web browsers.



EN - Question 2

No (but...) – -10%. There are no required subscriptions, but players are able to buy a Premium account upgrade for six months or one year, which grants a variety of boosts and benefits.



EN - Question 3

No. The game has no DLC options.



EN - Question 4

Yes – -5%. Players can purchase everything from Event resources and Keys, and numerous Advantage Packs that give boosters. Players can buy Pearls, the second in game currency earned through gameplay but at a much slower rate than Gold currency, however, Pearl bundles are available to buy with cash.



EN - Question 5

Yes – -15%. Players can purchase everything from Event resources and Keys, and numerous Advantage Packs that give boosters. Players can buy Pearls, the second in game currency earned through gameplay but at a much slower rate than Gold currency, however, Pearl bundles are available to buy with cash.



EN - Question 6

No. There are no customization restrictions.



EN - Question 7

Yes. There are no race/class restrictions. All ships are available to players.



EN - Question 8

No. Players can buy and trade on the Market Cove with full access.



EN - Question 9

No. Players have the same access to inventory as everyone else.



EN - Question 10

Yes (but...) – -5%. Players have the same access to inventory as everyone else.



EN - Question 11

No. Players have the same access to inventory as everyone else.



EN - Question 12

Yes – +10%. Seafight is heavily skewed to having a high level ship fully decked out, as the game is so old most of the players are already very high level and powerful. To try and start at the beginning and progress naturally is incredibly slowly, so purchasing Pearls to upgrade more quickly does make a massive pay to win environment. PVP is the main content in the game as the PVE is extremely shallow and, for most people, would not be particularly fun.


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