Things You Would Change With World of Tanks

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Up next on our "Things You Would Change With..." feature we took a look at the tank-based shooter MMO World of Tanks, a classic veteran in the shooter genre and for many the premier tank MMO. The game has been around for some time now and over the years has developed one of the biggest followings of any free to play MMO outside of the MMO RPG and MOBA category. With everything we like about WoT there are some key things that still frustrate us that we still wish would be changed:

The Spotting System
Tanks can't turn invisible... period. Whilst we know that World of Tanks is focused more toward arcade style gameplay in comparison to its main rival War Thunder that aims for a more realistic gaming experience, we have to draw the line at tanks being able to essentially turn invisible using a variation of crew training and camouflage skills to suddenly disappear right in front of you. This seems to be like one of the main complaints from a lot of players and it is one that we also share, whilst we like arcade we do like to feel as though the game is fair and at least on the verge of realism and not that tanks have come equipped with some futuristic cloaking device where they can turn invisible without even being nearly cover, literally in an open field huge tanks disappear with the blink of an eye. Change around, have blurry visuals, silhouetted effects, or simply remove the ability to disappear in areas that make no sense and keep it as a feature that only works in built-up/dense terrain.

World of Tanks screenshots (7) World of Tanks screenshots (10) World of Tanks screenshots (12) World of Tanks screenshots (13)

Expand Some Tech Trees
China and Japan need some love. Whilst the French and British certainly could do with some more it is the Chinese and Japanese trees that definitely have a shortfall, combined they have about the same number of tanks as the Brits or the French, and the American, Soviet and German trees each have around the same as the French and British combined. We get that there were key players in the war but do you really need to see more tanks added to these other already vastly populated trees and leaving the players that explore the other trees hanging where the only have a small handful of top tier tanks available in comparison to the double available in other trees?

Remove Premium/Gold Ammo
Pay to kill is ridiculous. Whilst we get that every free to play game has to try and make money somehow we are definitely of the mind that paying for ammo that can kill you in one to three shots is definitely not cool. Whilst many players that do use it may argue that they use it as a last-ditch attempt, or that other players are free to use it if they wish to stay competitive, the point is that everything should be balanced without players having to spend money particularly when players are so protective over their wins/loss ratio. Premium Ammo simply creates too much imbalance and pay to win mechanics that just makes the game not fun when you die to it; if you’re last-ditch attempt is to shoot a golden bullet to claim victory then we’d argue that it comes down to dollars and not skill.

Improve the Matchmaking
The one-sided imbalanced ass kicking needs to stop. There is nothing that we love more than going up against a good opponent, regardless of the game, where when you claim victory after a challenging battle you sit back and feel an even greater sense of accomplishment, when you lose you not your head to your opponent of a job well done in a fight well fought. The problem is that nine times out of 10 victory comes from the terrible matchmaking and one team being filled with poor BOTS and unskilled new players whilst the other is stacked with players that have more experienced where the result is pretty much determined the moment the teams have been decided. Whilst it might stir up win rates (heaven forbid) it would at least mean that the game has skill, challenge and a more balanced feel to more rewarding combat.

World of Tanks screenshots (16) World of Tanks screenshots (18) World of Tanks screenshots (19) World of Tanks screenshots (21)

More Maps
More variation and more new maps. The game has suffered from the same assault maps for years and the rate at which new maps are added just simply isn't fast enough (sorry but putting snow on an old map does not make it new). With the removal of battle modes e.g. Historical Battles, the need for new maps is even greater to keep the game varied, and we have a more new tanks do we need when we keep playing on the same maps over and over? Three channel maps seem to be a bit of an obsession and we'd like to see less of them for the near future, also would like to see some more maps are geared towards medium and light tanks instead of the Heavies and Tank Destroyer focused maps even if lights and mediums aren’t exactly the most popular.

These are some of the things that we would change about DC Universe Online, but what do you think? What would you change about this game? Would you add anything else to the list? We await your opinions! Let us know!!!!!

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