Warframe Updated in Xbox One and PS4

Warframe - news

Digital Extremes has released the Ring of Fire update for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of Warframe, which adds to the game a new Warframe called Nezha, whose powers can incinerate his enemies, several new weapons, among which we find the fast and lethal nunchaku Shaku, the Tenno rapier Destreza and the Grinner Trident Sydon.

The update also adds new cosmetic upgrades for several Warframe; Loki Gets a new Premium skin, Ivara receives a new helmet, in addition of a unique skin for the Scimitar.

Warframe ring of fire update artwork

If you don't know Warframe, you can download it for free on the PSN Store or the Xbox Store. And if you want to know more about the game, click on the INFO button that you have below.

Source: Digital Extremes press Release.

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