War Thunder is going to support Oculus Rift

Gaijin Entertainment announced that War Thunder is going to support Oculus Rift, the first truly virtual reality platform in the gaming history. The  new platform will transport War Thunder players from their chairs and into World War II in full stereoscopic 3D with a 360 degree panoramic view of the battlefield.

Whether leaping in the cockpit and taking to the skies to fight enemies in death defying dogfights, or unleashing hell using ground forces and naval units players will be able to fight simultaneously on the same battlefield in virtual reality thereby creating a full scale immersive World War II theater of war. As you know, once you go VR, you never go back.

In the past three months, Gaijin has announced that War Thunder is under-development for the PlayStation 4, iOS and Android operating systems. The PC version which is available now to play (open beta) has more than 2 million active players.

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