Things You Would Change About Warface

Warface - news

Players can choose from four available classes (medic, infantry, sniper and engineer) in this fast pace beautiful looking urban warfare game. Focusing on team based battles with multiple maps and modes, as well as extensive co-op campaigns, there’s a lot to love about Warface, but for now we’re going to focus on the things that would make it even better.

Unlocking Weapons
The gear unlock system is a real grind and very restrictive. When starting out there’s not that information on how you actually unlock new gear, leaving it to players to check out the forums to get the information they need. When they do find out then what they discover probably won’t leave them all that impressed; the system has a linear progression based unlock system where you can choose whether to earn points to unlock an attachment, weapon or armor. At the beginning of the game you get to choose which of these three will be your focus, at the end of the game you get points automatically attributed to your selection and then when you fill the point bar you get access to it (you still need to buy it to use it). The problem is that you don’t get to choose which weapon, attachment or armor you’re unlocking, they are in a set order which players get them, so you not only need to unlock items for classes you don’t like to play, but also wait forever to reach the items you actually might want to use. We’d like to see players be able to at least choose which classes’ item they’re unlocking.

Lack of Customization
Customizing your gear is very limited. Whilst the total number of available items isn’t terrible, the sheer lack of customization on them is pretty weak and the entire system just feels quite lazy, there’s a handful of attachments you can use (when you finally get to unlock them…) but they only scrape the surface of weapon customization in comparison to other FPS titles (Blacklight Retribution, Planetside 2). Given that the items you unlock happens in a specific order, and there’s little customization for gear, everyone is generally using very similar weapons unless they have bought them using premium paid for currency. What we’d like to say is a way to make your weapons more unique with a full multi-module customization system.

Joining Games That Are About To End
You get placed in games right when they’re going to finish. This is one of the most frustrating aspects about the matchmaking system (which is otherwise not too bad if you don’t mind playing against higher ranked players), but joining a match when it is on the last round, or with only 2 minutes left on the clock, it’s a pain to spend just as much time loading to get into the match as you do actually playing in it. A simple system where there is a cut-off that doesn’t match you to games that have X number of minutes left, or have played X number of rounds (or at least an option to choose to pass on them) would be more than welcome.

Team Deathmatch Death Timers
Quick timers make Medics fairly redundant. Aside from the medics’ awesome weapon, the shotgun, their key ability is being able to heal players (which generally isn’t worth much, as players die pretty quickly) or resurrect/bring them back into battle using the defibrillator unit. When an ally is gunned down you generally have around a minute to get to them and use the item in other game modes and co-op, in Team Deathmatch the developers want to keep the kill count high (plus respawning is part of the game mode), so the death timer is reduced to fifteen seconds, which is not even close to the amount of time you need to get over to an ally, make sure their killer isn’t still there, and bring them back into the game. The result is that the medic becomes pretty pointless for this game mode, unless in a close quarters map where shotgun is pretty fun, and if you’ve focused on levelling up your medic then it’s a bit of a pain. We’d like to see the death timer set to normal, but on this mode when players are ressed using the defibrillator they’re brought back with 50% health perhaps and they are instantly killed with no death timer on their next death.

Aimbots and wallhacks are prominent. Not much to say about this, or much of a solution other than the developers need to get a handle on it, but the number of times we hear “hax” in chat, or see someone shoot us the second they pop round a corner is pretty incredible. We’re all for skill, and we don’t get salty over deaths, so we (as with a lot of the community) are fine calling shenanigans and saying that too many people have use of hacking programs.

Pay to Play
Unless you are willing to shell out some cash, the game is quite restricted. Ranging from players having to grind through the weapon unlock system, or paying cash to bypass it to the weapon they want, to a Repair system that forces players to spend cash they want to spend on new gear on repairing current gear instead. The game is not developed with free to play accounts or casual players in mind; a big bane of the system is the Rental feature, where some weapons you don’t get permanently and instead can only rent them using currency, sometimes for only a day, this means the good weapons are almost out of the hands of casual players because earning the cash in the first place takes time (especially with repairs eating away at your balance) and then getting a weapon only for a day almost isn’t worth it for casual players who might only play a match or two with that weapon in their limited time. We say remove the Repair system, it will at least free up a little extra capital for players instead of forcing them towards buying currency or VIP system to enjoy the game.

So that’s what we’d change with Warface, but more importantly what do you believe should be changed? What do you think could/should be added to improve the game? What would you add to your own personal wish list? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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