Things We Love About Marvel Heroes 2015

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When rumours really started solidifying back in 2012 that there was definitely going to be a Marvel Action RPG coming out we were pretty hyped, when we found out it was being made by the same guy who created the Diablo franchise (David Brevik) we honestly couldn’t contain ourselves! We have a big passion for both Diablo and the Marvel universe and so we’ve stuck with and played a lot of Marvel Heroes 2015, watching it since its initial announcement and keeping a close eye on it ever since. Whilst it isn’t without its share of issues (many of which we flagged up in one of our previous "Things You Would Change With..." articles), there’s some really core stuff that we love about the game.

Marvel Heroes screenshot (1) Marvel Heroes screenshot (4) Marvel Heroes screenshot (5) Marvel Heroes screenshot (7)

The Choice of Heroes
There is a huge and ever growing selection. Marvel Heroes 2015 (back when it was just plain old Marvel Heroes) launched at a pretty good time, riding on the back of the success of The Avengers film in 2012, developers Gazillion rode that hype train straight to the bank including the core cast of superheroes within its starting roster lineup of playable characters. However, like true Marvel fans they didn’t only pander to cinema goers who are familiar with Spider-man, Ironman, Captain America et al, but actually slotted in quite a few characters in the early days that most none comic readers would have probably never even heard of (Black Panther, Scarlet Witch). Since then they have continued to grow the roster, allowing us to play as our favourite characters, both big time fan favourites such as Deadpool, Dr Strange and Venom and keeping up to date with characters from the newest films (the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy and the most recent announcement of Ant-Man to be joining the roster). There’s a number of bad guys and those that walk a fine line to also choose from and honestly we couldn’t be happier!

Character Skills
Each character feels unique. Whilst we’re not saying that there’s no crossover in certain places, or that some of the changes in powers might be more subtle than others, in general every character feels absolutely true to their comicbook counterpart. Whether slinging webs and swinging around the neighbourhood with Spidey, or hurling cars as Hulk and generally.. well… smashing stuff up, to Captain America using his shield in some epic acrobatics; every characters signature attack, movement type, general combat style or witty voice over comments really make you feel like you’re playing as that character. So much so that even though from time to time so of the characters suck mechanically due to ever changing "power creep" where heroes get stronger and weaker due to new items and hero introductions, players continue to play the weaker heroes just for the sheer love of playing that specific character. At least we do.

Double trouble with superhero sidekicks is great fun. Not only do you get to choose and customize your own character, but also your superhero sidekick, and you get to do so at whatever lengths suit your needs. With a variety of Team Up superheroes to choose from, with their own skills and abilities that can be locked up as they are levelled up, they also have a pretty decent variety of items that can be equipped. Companions aren’t something that is particularly new to MMOs, but Marvel Heroes 2015 has gone to some great detail to really hand pick the characters players might need and want to join up with, as well as making the choices more canon like the obvious Team Up with Rocket Racoon and Groot. A great system when you’re short of available friends or not fond of jumping in a group with random players.

Action RPG Combat
Explosive and fast paced combat. When you’re making a superhero game where you are supposed to be the superhero, in the middle of all the action and feeling pretty damn powerful than it’s important to get the combat just right. Marvel Heroes 2015 does this incredibly, it is extremely fast and at times intense as you cut through wave after wave of minions with your well timed and well placed attacks, or take advantage of enemy bosses and outmanoeuvring them. If the combat wasn’t done well then the game would simply be awful, thankfully, as mentioned, David Brevvik was at the helm and so as expected the combat had retained the type of pacing and power that you would want as you feel like you’re caught up in your own movie.

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So that’s what we love with Marvel Heroes 2015, but more importantly what are some of your favourite things? What do you think could/should be added to our list that makes the game great? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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