TERA Fate of Arun Expansion In-Depth

TERA - Exclusive - EN

We lately received an invitation to attend the exclusive press walk-through of TERA to get an in-depth insight into the new content players may look forward to when the latest expansion Fate of Arun will launch. Just for those of you who aren’t familiar with TERA, it’s an F2P action massively multiplayer online role-playing game that allows players to pick from various classes when creating their character in order to set off to adventures in a fantasy world. Throughout the past 2 years, En Masse Entertainment has continuously been providing players with updates to their MMO, introducing a plethora of quests, dungeons, an additional class as well as a multitude of other features, tweaks and balancing to ensure the game the game stays fresh and runs smoothly.

Fate of Arun is scheduled for release on December 16 and in addition to increasing the level cap with 5 additional levels for players to gain, the new expansion also includes new class skills, new enemy monsters new quest lines, new battlegrounds as well as the highly anticipated new zone that opens up a northern area players were formerly unable to reach. This area also contains a new raid dungeon, which our press play-through primarily focused on.

When stepping into the game, we could select from a variety of available classes, opted for the Sorcerer due to his extra firepower and were immediately welcomed by Jason Chuang (Associate Product Manager) as our Archer, Tina Zhang-Powell (Associate Producer) choosing the Priest and Patrick Sun (Producer for TERA at En Masse) who would soon be working his socks off as our Warrior tank.

Check out our video to not miss a thing:

Prior to jumping into the actual gameplay, Patrick had us check out the UI and particularly highlighted the new Play Guide window, a new feature added primarily for new players in order to prevent them from being overwhelmed by the amount of features and available content upon entering TERA. The Play Guide provides them a useful outline of the type of primary quest chains, dungeons and other content available in the game that they are able to participate in while also displaying their progress for completion and the rewards they will earn. Players are additionally able to check out the Role Call element that displays their login over the past week; when consecutively logging in for several days, they are granted permanent buffs for their character for the duration of the week depending on how many days they logged in.

We then headed just outside the town where we were introduced to the ropes of PVE. Even for those who haven’t played the game before, the combat is still quite intuitive, chaining together skill attacks to do added combos and requiring directional targeting due to the absence of tab auto locking onto enemies, earning TERA the action MMORPG title. In the distance, we were able to perceive a city that had been built by the Baraka race, which adds to the new lore and content included in the expansion, which in itself will be the foundations for future content to be built upon.

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Having got used to the controls, we were transported to the Ravenous Gorge in Val Oriyn, the new zone. This wild area overrun by nature and primitive races/ creatures/ monsters is one that players will first see when they reach the new huge and unexplored continent not yet touched by civilisation but already corrupted by the new Big Bad Guys, the Arch-Devas, which illustrates the menace of this new foe.

We were then teleported to a new place called the Infernal Span, a land of torment where the Arch-Devas are trying to destroy the world firing a huge magical laser into the sky trying to punch a hole into it and ruin the dream of TERA. The zone is roamed by the Demonkron, twisted versions of creatures the Arch-Deva experimented on, which resulted in Frankenstein-esque abominations. Fortunately, combat didn’t present too big a problem for us since our characters were kitted out with some of the best gear in the game for our classes.

Ultimately, we were transported to the new 5-player raid Bathysmal Rise, an ancient area holding a weapon the Arch-Deva are attempting to get hold of, and being the good ones (the Federation), it was our task to destroy it. Upon entering the dungeon, we found ourselves in a partly destroyed cave area and got to check out the new Armored White Tiger mount that restores the player’s health when ridden (useful for moving around during the raid). This mount is included in the Northern Initiative Pack that new and veteran players alike are able to receive for a limited period of time for logging in before the Fate of Arun expansion launches and it’s accessible now.

On the whole, it was a great experience and putting aside the sound technical difficulties Patrick’s mic caused, the group were great fun, extremely welcoming and the whole event was a great experience. The new additions and added dungeons are going to be great for veteran players who, whilst maybe not all having the type of gear we had, will probably have much more experience and success fighting Fulminar! Keep your eyes open for the Fate of Arun expansion when it goes live on December 16 as it’s going to be an absolute riot!

We'll cover Bathysmal Rise in a different article, so don't miss out on it. Click here to check it out. To be continued...

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