Players Speak about SWTOR

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We're talking with our community members once more in the Players Speak, our piece where we get the opinions of our chosen players on a free to play game, and this time we've asked them to let us know what they think about Star Wars: The Old Republic! The game is still going strong after a couple of years and seems to continue adding features and, remarkably, it would appear all of our chosen players have actually played the game already, so here's what they thought:

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What I like the most about SW:TOR is that it is quite heavily feature packed where those players who have a competitive streak like myself have plenty of different avenues to go down such as the Warzones , which me and my buddies love jumping into for some PvP, but also the Operations [PvE Raids] are pretty fun working out the best way to complete them. When they added in the Hard and Nightmare modes, even though we were more than familiar with the areas, it was still fun to try and see if we could complete them again (of course we could!)

Though it doesn't require that much skill in general, at least in comparison to other MMO’s, there’s more than enough content for achievement hunters/those wanting bragging rights, and now with our new Guild flagship and the introduction of planetary Conquest it's given our Guild an even bigger reason to pull together.

I played SW: TOR quite a lot last year, as someone who only gets to play every so often it was nice that the class story quests in particular have a solo player experience to them, where you don't need to rely on groups of Guilds, but instead have your own personal saga to complete (as you would expect from a Bioware game).

The times I did join a group for random pick up Flashpoints or, more often, PVP in the Warzones it was definitely enjoyable, though as often as not we were on the losing end against groups that were more organised, particularly in some of the bigger zones like Alderaan where PUGs don’t really seem to work all that well together as a team.

There's plenty for people like me to do in the game, so I can really only sing its praises (however I haven't played it for quite a while), but for me personally the biggest and best part of the game was filling out my Codex. I spent so much time searching for different Bestiary, Species, Location and Lore journal entries of different planets that it took me forever to actually level up and get through them all. I particularly enjoyed hunting down the datacrons and some of the jumping puzzles that would restrict access to them; I'm always a fan of rewarding exploration in games.

Whilst they weren't implemented when I used to play, it was nice to see they finally added player housing with the Galactic Strongholds allowing players to put down their trophies and furniture; someone like me that likes to collect stuff like that then it's a shame it wasn't around when I played as it seems like it might be quite expensive to try and get back into it now.

A lot of games get given the term "WoW Clone" both pre-and post-launch, but never has a game deserved that title so much as Star Wars: The Old Republic. There is literally nothing about this game that hasn't been ripped off WoW in one way or another, from gameplay to even the graphics, it is quite simply a Star Wars skin (and I'm no WoW fanboi, but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck). For a game that was pegged as being a "WoW Killer" then my suggestion would be to not create a game that is identical to the one you want to replace. That should have been obvious.

I was actually part of the pre-launch RP community for TOR, we spent over a year preparing to join the game, deliberating with the community on what should be the official RP server, trying to work out how our little vision would fit into this big galaxy. It was actually pretty disappointing when we realised how many hurdles we would have to overcome to create our little RP utopia once the game was released. Everything from weak customisation of characters, every piece of gear being level capped (making it increasingly hard to find a Guild uniform that everyone could wear), the Sith and Republic being segregated on so many planets made it hard to come together for Guild RP events combined with the added hurt of people constantly being separated into different instances (don't even bother trying to run a cantina event...)

Unfortunately as the masters of single player RPGs, the BioWare format had everyone convinced that a pre-written story with a few player choices in, combined with a few companion characters, was all that it takes to make an MMORPG a great game to RP in. They were sorely mistaken.

It was only recently that I actually returned to SWTOR; in the early days I got pretty burned out power levelling multiple characters with a few of my friends that at the end of it there was so little endgame content there just wasn’t enough for me to do when I logged in. Fortunately the game seems to have taken a massive U-turn with a hell of a lot more content to keep hardcore players interested with the space quests and, extra operations and now my old guild that I rejoined have started getting into the Conquest system so I can see that being a huge money/time sink for me!

There is stuff that I like about the game, but plenty of stuff that I don't. I played SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) back in the day and, whilst it was a sandbox MMORPG, it felt like there was so much more to do in the game than SWTOR could provide. I hated when JTL ["Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Light Speed" expansion] came out and forced classes on players and mainstreamed the game, but after quitting and enough years having been and gone, it was enough for me to consider SWTOR when it came around. It does a lot of things really well, the Bioware touch with single-player questing is pretty fun, but I still prefer my MMORPGs more sandbox than this staple themepark stuff that keeps getting churned out.

My biggest complaint is how little interaction the factions seem to have with each other, for a game that is about the battle between the Empire and Republic, the Sith and the Jedi, the Light Side and the Dark Side, they do a really good job of forcing PvP into instanced based combat; which is a let-down coming from old games like Dark Age of Camelot and Ultima Online.

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Well there you have it, our players have pitched in with their thoughts about SWTOR, but what about you? Have you played the game, and if so what did you think, or if not why not? What do you think about what our players have had to say? Give us your feedback in the comments below!

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