Players Speak About DCUO

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DC Universe Online is a free to be play cross platform MMORPG, available on PC and Playstation, published by Sony Online Entertainment and features players rising as a new character with their own newly acquired super powers, but will they choose to fight for good or evil? Able to team up with a cast of heroes such as Superman and Batman, or work alongside some of the most notorious and feared villains like Joker and Lex Luthor, players are able to shape their fate to either clean up the streets or make them a whole lot dirtier. We put some of our readers to the challenge of letting us know what they felt about the game in this Players Speak, and here’s what they had to say:

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  • JimSlam: Whilst there are competitive elements within the game and PVP leaderboards, in all honesty the game does feel dated and lacking to the point where scoreboards don’t feel like they are worth checking half the time, they’re just not detailed enough to accurately represent how someone has contributed to a fight. I did find it interesting (read: worrying) that a lot of the time players in decent PVP gear were overpowered by players in PVE gear when fighting, doesn’t seem very balanced. The main core gameplay was surprisingly easy and quite uninteresting, the game just feels kind of old.

  • IAMJohn: The early game content is pretty soloable with no major difficulties, though the world at times does feel quite unpopulated, lacking in players and NPCs. As a casual free player I couldn’t help but just constantly look at the DLC Episodes content I would have liked to play as some of it looked really cool, but honestly didn’t want to invest real cash into the game for stuff that in all honesty I would have expected to be provided for free. Reaching upper levels it really feels like you need to team up with players to progress, which becomes a little bothersome, but understandable. Overall I like the combat and I do like DC comics so visiting some of the known locales was always interesting.

  • Kittypride: I didn’t get into DCUO quite as much as I thought I would have, as I do love the DC franchise; the overall storyarc is pretty interesting but the initial quests I feel are a little subdued in comparison to the epic world shattering events that are featured in the cinematic; it builds up a lot of hype then doesn’t really deliver. Hitting level 10 and getting access to my Hideout was pretty cool, my own little cave that I could decorate definitely gave the game a new lease of life, at least for me, and building up my collection of furniture and items to customize the place was pretty fun.

  • Ballgon: DCUO, or better known as Sidekick Simulator, is a joke of a superhero MMORPG, dropped into the game with thousands of other superhero players (probably being generous there, the game is empty..) kinda takes away how “super” you are; if everyone is a superhero than no one is. The key Heroes and Villains are just pointless and barely do anything in the game apart from tell you what to do (hence always feeling like a sidekick). Releasing the game to console has bred a cross-section of gamers who just don’t get MMORPGs, but SOE only care about bringing in money and so now have to pander to them and their idiotic opinions, so good luck with that PC players, hah!

  • Tenebrae: On the one hand I like the idea of being able to create my own Hero (or villain) in DCUO as opposed to stepping into the shoes of an already iconic character, the problem is that some of the main customization options for character creation are a little basic or completely lacking (in comparison to say Champions Online). Stepping into the game actually trying to find any roleplay is… pointless, there’s no RP servers, no real established community, just a bunch of Leagues (guilds) playing together, which is nice, but doesn’t really add to the greater immersion in the game that is so lacking.

  • Elijah: It’s been quite a while since I played DC Universe Online and the game was always kind of hit and miss and I definitely had a love-hate relationship with it. The true gameplay doesn’t really kick in until you hit level 30 and beyond, the early game stuff is pretty easy to breeze through but at later levels it gets a little tougher and you start exploring the end game. The general world design and graphics is a little dated ans suffers in places, it always felt like areas were huge but absolutely lacking in filler NPCs to build an area up, combined with the depleting player population (even back when I played) it did feel like an empty world.

  • Your_Nemesis: Whilst I didn’t hate the game I can’t honestly say that I enjoyed it, the quests were very grindy and pretty generic, though some of the areas were interesting to explore and I love the travel options (flying in particular was pretty awesome) but the place is such a ghost town, entire streets void of life made it feel like the apocalypse we see in the cinematic actually happened. Being in the world and heading to places like Gotham and Metropolis just wasn’t as inspiring as I’d hoped, that was probably the biggest disappointment.

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So that’s what our players think, but what about you? Do you play DC Universe Online? If not then why not? What do you like or hate about it, and what do you think about our players’ opinions? Let us know in the comments!

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