Path of the mage in King of Kings 3

Today, Gamigo presents the path of the mage in King of Kings 3, including all its specializations. The mage wears robes, which is why he can only take a small amount of damage in battle. But thanks to his magic abilities he is able to cause far more damage than anyone else. During his adventures, he can choose one of three classes. A sword mage fights with magic as well as a sword. Sword mages can wear cotton robes as well as thick robes.

The conjuror, on the other hand, prefers to use a magic wand over a sword. He might not be able to wear thick robes, but he is able to conjure magical assistance. The wizard is also clad in cotton robes and armed with a wand. He relies on elemental energy in battle. He can use it to deal damage while also increasing his own defense. The nine specializations available to the mage upon reaching level 120 are as follows:

Specializations of the Sword Mage.

Sword Master
Armed with magic and a sword, the sword mage goes to war. He uses his magic abilities to increase sword attacks.

Sword Demon
The sword demon's attacks are so packed with fury that they injure numerous opponents at once. He also has special powers that increase his attacks.

Sword Ghost
Defensive skills make the sword ghost a stalwart opponent in battle. He harnesses and uses the powers of the elements.

Specializations of the Conjuror.

The psychic's tools are confusion and fear. He uses his spiritual abilities to turn his opponents against each other.

The dark side of magic allows the sorcerer to paralyze his opponent and drain his life forces.

He uses the dark art of necromancy to breathe life back into corpses and force them to do his bidding.

Specializations of the Wizard.

The warlock can conjure a flaming hawk, a wolf or a dragon to assist him in battle.  The dragon can keep even entire groups in check during battle. The warlock is also the only wizard specialization that can wear thick robes.

The lich is a master of dark magic. He either poisons his enemies, causing their health to fade away over time, or he darkens their spirit, causing them to lose their magic points slowly.

The archmage can influence time and space. He can speed up time to recover his health faster than normal. To avoid damage, he can also pause time for a moment.

Check here all you need to know about King of Kings 3. And visit its official website.

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