Overwatch Announces CB Test

Overwatch - news

Blizzard has announced today that on October 27 is going to begin the closed beta of its first multiplayer FPS, Overwatch (now in America, and soon in Asia and Europe). This Closed Beta will be Windows-only and it requires the Battle.net platform.

At the beginning, this Closed Beta will be extremely limited, so developers ensure that the feedback are the most significant and constructive possible. They have also announced that they will hold several open weekends events with wider groups of players, so Blizzard can stress test the game servers.

The first Beta Test Weekend is currently slated for after BlizzCon, so stay tuned for more information.

Overwatch CB RW4 Overwatch CB RW1 Overwatch CB RW2 Overwatch CB RW3

Source: Blizzard Press release

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