The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot Exclusive Closed Beta Review

TMQFEL - Review - EN

Today we take a look at The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot (TMQFEL), a title that does not can be classified very well within any genre especially since there is nothing similar in the market. The game is what its name says: an epic search for treasures. Your goal in the game is to invade and plunder other player's castles, fighting past their monsters and traps that they have so lovingly prepared for you and try to steal their hard earned loot from the treasure vault. And while you're doing this, other dastardly adventurers are no doubt trying to storm your Castle and steal your prized possessions.

You jump into the game pretty quickly, and simple but well done animations tells us the history of the world of Opulencia and why you're doing what you're doing; robbing other people’s castles for their loot. The character creation is little more than choosing one of the currently available classes: Mage, Thief and Knight (although the Mage is currently locked up to Premium players) and give a name to your character.

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Once the game starts, the game walks you through an initial tutorial that will teach you how to level up, equip gear and invade enemy castles. It is simple, casual, and is a pretty basic idea... but damn fun. The first missions of the tutorial revolve around a kind of frog King named Lord Snottington, fighting through some of the lower castles in his realm, until you get enough level to attack his palace, where you will face waves frog like mobs and eventually reaching the treasure room which culminates in a fight against Snottington, which act as a Final Boss. His mooks were quickly defeated, but when going to confront the Royal frog we quickly realised that we should have stocked up on more health potions. The battle resulted in a few unfortunated attacks by us meant we were killed, unexpectedly you can actually pay some of your coin to reappear where you dropped and carry on the fight, but you lose a lot of the reward bonuses you could have otherwise gained.

The game also teaches you to design your own Castle, showing you the foundations of how to build workshops, mines and traps, and how to recruit monster defenders (to be honest though in these early days they don’t do much and don’t pose much of a challenge). The monsters come with one of three different attack types that can be used in combat, which means that the same monsters can have different behaviors, so you can combine them in different ways to make them more effective in combat. Castle defense mode becomes more interesting as you level up, because you get access to a greater variety of monsters and traps, and when you reach higher levels you can add extra rooms to your castle. That was one thing we particularly liked about the tutorial, it didn’t feel separate to the game but instead slowly introduced features at an easy to digest pace.

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As a player you level up both your hero, through successfully completing castle invasions you gain experience and unlock new skills and attacks, and also you can level up your castle which in turn will enable more monters and traps that you can take advantage of. It’s an interesting duel system, but the reality is that to have any success you have to focus on each aspect of the game; the loot you steal from attacking one players castle goes into your own, if you don’t build up your own castles level and defences then you’re not going to keep any of the horde you managed to acquire.

As you level up you’ll also be able to equip new gear; weapons, armor and accessories that will boost your stats and make you an all-round powerhouse. Available through completing quests, buying them from the shop and also as loot drops in game when killing monsters, gear has the classic World of Warcraft tiered levels, from white common items up to orange legendary, and as the castles get more difficult it pays to have your gear in tip top shape (plus what kind of hero runs around with second rate armour?!).


The game is not particularly spectacular graphic wise, because they’re not trying to push the envelope and raise the bar; but graphics are very detailed, colorful and cheerful and fit perfectly the tone that the game is trying to set. Character movement works well and the style used in both the game as well as the illustrated animated still images adds to the casual and charming nature of the game.

The sound is atmospheric and light and fits perfectly to the pace of combat, the soundtrack is subtle, and not overly imposing to drown out the feel of the game nor to annoy you with any monotonous repetition.

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Might the Quest for Epic Loot is a really different game, and cannot be compared with anything that we have played before. His unique style allows you to play 10 minutes or spend hours and hours raiding and looting other player's castles, and that's why the game is going to appeal to both the casual players and those hard-core gamers who want to compete to be on the top spot of the leader board. With the potential of constantly adding new mobs, traps, rooms and items we think there’s going to be constant replayability with The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot, and one that we look forward to.


  • Gameplay: 8

  • Graphics: 7

  • Fun: 8

  • Good - gameplay that delivers exactly what it promises, an action packed slog-fest in the search for Epic Loot

  • Bad - A few cookiee cutter mob and traps combinations means players can often focus on the "build of the week" meaning a tendancy towards similar encounters

Overall: 8

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