Massive Content Update for Survarium

Survarium - news


Survarium's update 0.40 is now live. The content update introduces a lot of changes that Vostok explains in a new overview video (watch it below). P


New User Interface
In Survarium 0.40 we have reworked the lobby interface to increase its usability and make it more user-friendly, visually attractive and up-to-date. We understand that you will need some time to get used to the changes. Hopefully you’ll appreciate the usability and interactivity of the new UI. In our nearest plans is also updating the battle interface and adding new functionality.

Weapon Modules
Now you can modify the weapons by installing different modules! The number of available modules for each weapon depends on its type and tier. To unlock the module you have to perform a certain number of kills from the weapon. Modules change both the characteristics of the weapon and its visuals. Say, laser sight decreases the dispersion when firing from the hip. Vertical grip decreases the recoil, and angled grip decreases the penalty to recoil while moving. Find the complete list of modules below!

Changes in the Economy
We believe it is wrong to penalize you for playing actively and using consumables so we have decided not to take into account the number of used cartridges and supplies when calculating the cost of playing in a battle. Ammo and supplies still have a price of usage which will be added to the total cost of participation in battle. You will see this cost on the equipment screen.

Voiced Quick Commands and New Music
We have added English voice overs for all quick commands in the game. Now it will be easier for you to communicate with the teammates in the heat of battle. Moreover, there’s now unique music in Survarium lobby and on load screens of each level. To cap it all, special music added before the round ending, as well as at victory and loss!


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