Krosmaster Arena Goes Live

Krosmaster Arena - news

Ankama has announced that today its turn-based MMORTS Krosmaster Arena is available for PC, Mac, and Linux. The game is the online version of the physical board game Krosmaster, which is based on the turn-based battles of Wakfu and Dofus. Krosmaster Arena includes 130 different heroes, with which we can create almost infinite combat strategies to defeat our opponents on the battlefield. Also players who have physical figurines of the physical version of the game can unlock them on the online game for free, so they can play with them against players from around the world.

Below you can take a look to the new launch trailer:

Krosmaster launch RW1 Krosmaster launch RW2 Krosmaster launch RW3 Krosmaster launch RW4

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Source: Ankama press release.

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