How Free-to-play is Stronghold Kingdoms?

Stronghold Kingdom - F2PMeter headlogo - EN

Back to our F2Pmeter where we let you know how free-to-play a game really is vs. how much the developers/publishers might SAY it is, we're taking a look at empire-building strategy Stronghold Kingdoms, a free-to-play client-based medieval MMO where players build up their own House and try to slowly take over the world!

The game will start at being a 100% presumed free-to-play, and as we go through each question we'll deduct points, so without further ado let's see where we end up!

Let's begin.

Stronghold Kingdoms screenshots (1) Stronghold Kingdoms screenshots (4) Stronghold Kingdoms screenshots (6) Stronghold Kingdoms screenshots (8)


EN - Question 1

No. The game is free to download for Windows and Mac.



EN - Question 2

Yes (optional) ― -15%. Players are able to choose to buy a premium token, which gives their account premium status and unlocks a variety of features that F2P players don't have access to. Premium tokens are available for a 7-day account which costs "30 Firefly Crowns" or a 30-day account which costs "100 Firefly Crowns", Firefly Crowns are the premium currency that can be acquired in game or purchased with cash (40 Crowns typically costs $5 and players can buy more Crowns at a time for higher savings as well as taking advantage of discounts ever so often).

Premium accounts gain access to improved queue mechanics, able to queue up to 5 buildings and 5 technologies meaning they can continue to build automatically without being in the game, as well as the ability to move placed buildings and a village overview screen for more details on your territory. There are also a number of automated offline features for auto trading/attacking/scouting and recruiting.



EN - Question 3

No. There are no expansion packs per se, but new servers/worlds are released from time to time where players that speak a particular language can access their own country as a World Map; these can be accessed for free.



EN - Question 4

Yes. ― -5%. By buying premium Firefly Crowns currency players can then spend it on premium tokens as well as card packs. A feature of the game is that players acquire strategy cards that can be spent to give resources, troop bonuses, defensive bonuses, etc. which either have an instant use or give players the bonus for a set amount of time. The cards that players draw from a card pack are completely random.



EN - Question 5

Yes (but...) ― -5%. The purpose of the cards is to give a mechanical advantage, though they are acquired regularly as part of gameplay, so the advantage is more that players can purchase and have more of them as opposed to any constant advantage that they would gain.



EN - Question 6

No. There are no limitations to customising your user interface, players have access to the Coat of Arms feature for free where they can design in detail their own coat of arms for their House and more designs are unlocked as players rank up.



EN - Question 7

Not applicable. There are neither races nor classes in the game.



EN - Question 8

No. Players are able to trade between villages and sell items on the Stock Exchange, whilst there are limitations on the use of such features they are based on having the appropriate technologies unlocked. With premium tokens, players get an additional Auto Trade offline feature to automatically sell a single resource type when they acquire it.



EN - Question 9

No. Players store resources in warehouses and other types of buildings, these are available to all players.



EN - Question 10

Not applicable. There are neither zones nor dungeons in the game, but there are no areas restricted to free-to-play accounts either.



EN - Question 11

No. The content is the same and there is no "end game" content, but both free-to-play and premium token accounts can access PvP and higher level features such as the Vassals and Liege Lords system.



EN - Question 12

Yes ― +10%. The game's business model focuses more on making the game a little easier to play and in some ways get ahead if you have a premium token account or purchase card packs with real cash. However, the cooperative element of the game focuses on players working together and so benefits can often be shared between players.

Stronghold Kingdoms scores a nice 85% of free-to-play-ness.

Guns and Robots - F2PMeter - Result

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