Hearthstone Is Getting a New Expansion

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This weekend Blizzard held the BlizzCon, which among other things announced the League of Explorers, the new adventure to Hearthstone, which will arrive on November 13 for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. The new adventure brings 45 new cards and a new mechanic named Discover that will allow us to choose between three different random cards when activated.

The new adventure allow us to explore several temples and ruins (like the Temple of Orsis, Uldaman, the Ruined City and the Hall of explorers) which are unlocked on a weekly basis (one per week); each temple or ruin has a cost of 700 gold coins, but we can also purchase them by paying real money.

League of Explorers is a fun mix of memorable locations from Warcraft and exciting new locations to battle through,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “Players who join the expedition are in for a good time and will walk away with some great new cards for their collections.

Hearthstone Hall of Explorers RW3 Hearthstone Hall of Explorers RW4 Hearthstone Hall of Explorers RW1 Hearthstone Hall of Explorers RW2

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Source: Blizzard press Release.

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