Galaxy Online: warships data

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As a space war game, IGG’s Galaxy Online  has been very popular with players since its debut. Recently, the GM staff tallied up warships data and found some surprising numbers. More than 20,000 battles have been fought between players in Galaxy Online, more than 3 billion warships have been sent to into battle and more than 1 billion warships have been destroyed. If the average time to build a warship were 30 minutes, then the total time to build the 1 billion warships would be more than 50,000 years.

At first, battles were pretty cruel in Galaxy Online because the fleets that join a battle would be destroyed completely if they lost. As a result, in those days many players preferred to stay at peace as often as possible. To change the situation and urge players to join PvP more, the dev team and operations team wracked their brains and finally worked out a plan. Taking real wars into consideration, they finally decided to add a ship repair system to the game. After the debut of the system, players could study a certain science and then repair up to 60% of the ships shot down in combat. From then on, most players became more aggressive and intense PvP battles began to be fought throughout the universe.

More than ever, warfare is now central to the game, and judging by the numbers, the players seem to agree Galaxy Online is all the better for it. To find out what it’s like to send massive fleets to war and manage an empire that spans the stars, log in and start making your own plans for conquest today.

Visit the official website of Galaxy Online.


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