Frogster brings TERA to Europe

Frogster has secured the publishing rights to TERA and brings the highly-ambitious online role-playing game developed by Bluehole Studio Inc. to Europe. With this exciting new license, the Berlin-based publisher has landed a true heavyweight in the MMO genre. TERA already caused a big stir at the Electronic Entertainment Exposition (E3) in June with its spectacular real-time battles and impressive next-generation graphics. According to current plans, TERA is intended to revolutionize the genre from its release in 2011 onward in a German, English and French versions customized for the European market.

Dark powers are looming over the massive realms of TERA. It is only when players act together that they can protect their fragile home from an ultimate sinister threat. With six races and eight character classes, TERA offers an abundance of possibilities for character creation and development. The dynamic real-time combat system of TERA gets players engaged in battles considerably more actively than all conventional MMORPGs available on the market. By letting players actively dodge and block attacks, the impressive online role-playing world departs from the genre’s typical combat systems based on random statistics. Using the mouse and keyboard or a game controller, players of TERA have far more control of their character’s movements. Thanks to sensitive collision detection players actively keep opponents at bay using swords and shields for example. TERA is set to be released in 2011 based on a subscription model.

“TERA will set completely new standards”, commented Andreas Weidenhaupt, CEO of Frogster Online Gaming,  upon the signing of the contract. “The licensing of this revolutionary online game world is one of the largest deals and milestones in Frogster’s corporate history”, agrees Christoph Gerlinger, CEO of the holding company Frogster Interactive Pictures AG.

Gang Seok Kim, the CEO Bluehole Studio Inc., added: “We are very glad that TERA is now making its official debut in Europe, as we firmly believe it is a critical region in the gaming industry. Bluehole sought out a partnership with Frogster because of their successful publishing ventures in Europe. Our biggest desire is to see European gamers enjoy and have fun with TERA, and we will make our best effort to that end.”

Check here all you need to know about TERA. And visit its official website.

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