ELOA Releases Smash Update

ELOA - news

Webzen has released "The Smash", the second part of the first expansion of its hack 'n' slash MMORPG ELOA (Elite Lord of Alliance). This update adds to the game two new dungeons called Spirit Flame Workroom and Shadow of Hallucination, and a new event (active until January 19) which will award the first three players of each server who submit their dungeon clear screenshots of the two new dungeons with a special costume for his characters.

ELOA smash update screenshot RW3

In Spirit Flame Workroom we will explore a volcanic region where we will have to fight against various kinds of fire enemies, while in the Shadow of Hallucination we will have to overcome all kinds of traps and turrets and fight against dangerous poisoning enemies. The two dungeons have three levels of difficulty (beginner, normal and hero) and reward players with special gear and new armor sets.

ELOA smash update screenshot RW1 ELOA smash update screenshot RW2

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Source: Webzen Press Release.

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