Dungeons and Dragons Online: The latest update

Turbine, Inc. today released the fourth update to Dungeons & Dragons Online. DDO Unlimited’s newest update adds a brand new adventure pack – Sentinels – as well as dozens of new items to the DDO Store. Update 4 arrives as Turbine officially introduces the DDO Player Feed, a new Facebook application that is the latest in Turbine’s line of social features that extend player’s experiences to the world’s largest social network.

“DDO Unlimited continues to grow in every way and we are very excited to introduce our latest update,” said Fernando Paiz, Executive Producer of DDO Unlimited. “The new adventure pack delivers more of our award-winning content to the millions of players in DDO and we’re hard at work on all of the new content and features we have planned for the rest of the year including Guild housing and our new playable race, the Half-orc.”

The latest DDO Unlimited update introduces mind-bending new dungeons and a lot more, including:

- New Adventure Pack: Sentinels - Adventure steals in from the sea! The high walls and crack troops of House Deneith are not enough to protect it from the most vicious, blood-crazed crew of pirates ever to rove the crashing seas of Eberron. That’s why the Deneith Sentinels are sending out a call for aid. In this new series of five epic adventures from DDO, join the Sentinels as they seek to defeat the pirate scourge. Sentinels is free to all DDO VIPs and available for purchase in the DDO Store.

- Introducing the DDO Player Feed! – The latest addition to the My.DDO social network, a free web service provided to subscribers of DDO Unlimited. Featuring player blogs, detailed character info, kinship pages, and more, My.DDO allows players to keep in touch with their friends when they’re not in-game. The DDO Player Feed extends these features to Facebook and allows players to fully customize their privacy settings.

- DDO Store Catalog Expands – Players can now choose from a host of new items and improvements being added to the new DDO Store including guest passes for the Sentinels adventure pack, +2 Character Bank Slots, +3 Greater Reincarnation and great specials on Turbine Point bundles.

Check here all you need to know about Dungeons and Dragons Online.

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