Cabal Online: Community day event today announced that February 28th will be a ‘Community Day’ on its free-to-play MMO Cabal Online. Celebrating the end of its first tournament world, the CABALYMPICs, the day will be packed full with fun activities and will include a 500 Euro raffle, GM Q+A session, a quiz, a hide and seek event and a series of dash races.
The event will take place on the games CABALYMPICs server, which for the past ten weeks has hosted the tournament world in which players could compete for 7500 Euros in real life prizes. It will be run and organised by the GMs, who will be present throughout the day running the events, interacting with players and answering questions.  The day is sponsored by the pre-paid card Wallie and over 500 Euros of in-game currency will be given out through a series of give-aways. Players will be able to enter simply by playing on the server on the day, with prizes given out at random to 50 users who spend at least one hour in the game and reach a minimum level of 20.

Read here all you need to know about Cabal Online. And visit its official website.

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