Bounty Bay Online: third birthday

Bounty Bay Online is celebrating its third birthday! Frogster is using the anniversary as an opportunity to thank its loyal players and so is delighted to announce today as the start of the ‘Bounty Bay Online Holidays’. Up until 31st March, during the jubilee weeks, shop points and cash prizes with a total value of more than 750,000 Euros will be berthed among the online treasure seekers.

A series of community promotions will sweeten the tough life of the pirate over the celebratory period. Among other things, beckon doubled experience points and an increased drop rate for booty items. In addition all players will this week be receiving a voucher code for 50 shop points along with the newsletter. The promo launch is marked today with an event in which all users buying shop points up until 25th February will receive double the value – therefore 100 percent extra points - of the points purchased.

The climax of the ‘Bounty Bay Online Holidays’ will be a seven-day in-game regatta in which players put their piratical knowledge to the test in an adventurous quest. All of the buccaneers who successfully complete the regatta will be entered into a lottery for 333 Euros as well as for various item packages. As a crowning closing event to mark the end of the celebrations on 31st March, Frogster will be running a lottery for a full 1000 Euros among all of the players who have been active during the jubilee weeks.

Read here all you need to know about Bounty Bay Online. Visit its official website.

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