Ashes of Creation Reaches Its Kickstarter Goal


Ashes of Creation's Kickstarter campaign began yesterday and has already reached its crowdfunding goal: $750K. In less than one hour, it had already crossed the $300,000 mark, and now aims for the 1 million goal. Watch the announcement trailer below.

Developed by Intrepid Studios, this new high-fantasy MMORPG takes players to a vast world where players' decisions really matter, shaping the future. The game will feature seasons and world events, such as a volcano that may erupt and destroy cities.

Players will have control over how civilization evolves thanks to the Node system. Zones are made up of multiple nodes, and each node has a zone of influence. These nodes level up as players level up, and they evolve to become villages, cities or even a metropolis. As these places open up, more events, services and quests will be available. And players will also be able to establish citizenship through the housing system,

The game won't feature a global auction house, and resources won't be unlimited. Trading will be really important, and trade routes will be essential.


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