Artwork Contest for Rappelz starts today

gPotato Europe has announced that the Artwork Contest for the free to play fantasy MMORPG Rappelz will start today, May 25th, 2010. After the success of the 2008 edition of their Art and Video Games contest, the Rappelz Team is going to launch the 2010 edition of this contest.  All winners will be chosen by the Rappelz team at the end of the contest in August, and the list of winners will be published in September.

The Artwork Contest will start today, May 25th and all artists will have the opportunity to hand in their designs until the last week of August. The Contest will feature 2 different categories, one each for amateurs and professionals, to give everybody the chance to participate at their level and win one of the fantastic prizes.

In the professional category, 1.200 Euro will be split among the winners of the 12 greatest artworks. Additionally, each artwork will be published for a month on the Rappelz website in all territories and the artists will have the possibility to talk about their art, how they were inspired, how they know about Rappelz etc. The lucky winners in the amateur category will be rewarded generously with many rare Rappelz in- game items.

Check here all you need to know about Rappelz. And visit its official website.

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