Archlord: Chaotic frontier in march

WEBZEN has announced that Archlord will unveil the next expansion update Episode 4: Chaotic Frontier. The expansion update is due to go live in the coming month of March where the update introduces distinguished new concept of dungeons.

New features of Archlord Episode 4: Chaotic Frontier include:

Exclusive dungeon system: Chaotic Frontier
- Specifically designed according to the game factions, each player's level will be automatically adjusted pending on which field of Chaotic Frontier he walks into, hence allowing Archlord players of all level to enjoy. In addition to this, players will need to acquire a special passport to enter each realm which drops from mobs or alternatively they can be purchased directly from the Chantra Shop for a minimal price later on.

6 new playing fields for players to challenge
- The Chaotic Frontier includes six new realms providing unique and interesting challenges to all players along with its own exclusive scenario about the legendary civilization vanished over the Chaotic Frontier.

New collectible armor sets with unique stats and more!
- The exclusive collectible armor sets and unique accessory items that can be found throughout the realms are lying in wait for the adventurous warriors, who are brave enough to come for them!

New monsters and boss creatures
- These exhilarating realms are populated by tough mutated creatures that require teamwork and skill to take down, each one providing a strong challenge to any seasoned warrior.

Meanwhile, the game client has been recently updated to support multi-language game scripts including German, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Players are now able to choose their preferred languages before entering the game. This feature will facilitate a better gaming experience for those connecting from non-English speaking countries.

"We are pleased to be able to set out our exciting new expansion plans for Archlord. We have put a great amount of efforts to provide gamers a better gaming experience by committing to provide frequent updates. We look forward launching this free expansion to our players. Furthermore, we're planning on implementing a new game client that supports multi-language options such which will bring the internationally competitiveness that we have been trying to achieve." said Chang Keun Kim, the chief executive officer of WEBZEN.

Read here all you need to know about Archlord.

Visit the official website of Archlord.

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