Allods: Bittorrent release

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Gala Networks Europe is happy to announce that the official Bittorrents for the European (English, German and French) Closed Beta Tests of Allods Online are now ready. These include plenty of information on the game, as well as the new client for future phases of the Closed Beta and will patch to Open Beta in due course. They will be commencing much larger beta key giveaways over the coming weeks, so if you want to be ready to play, visit  the official website of Allods Online.


Allods Online's unique feature is Astral space, made up of floating islands called allods. Players can explore this randomly-generated space on player-built ships with crews of up to dozens of players. Each crewmember serves a distinct role on the ship, from navigator to helmsman, to even Captain. Players can discover massive treasure troves, battle Astral Demons larger than entire ships, or even fend off other players who have decided to embrace a life of piracy.

Gala-Net & Astrum Nival have delivered a MMORPG featuring unprecedented production values and content for a free-to-play game. The animation is fully motion-captured and the visuals have been designed by internationally award-winning artists. In addition, Mark Morgan, the composer for the hit TV series Dexter, as well as PC epics Fallout 1 & 2, Descent II, and Planescape: Torment, wrote the game’s orchestral score. Players can choose between 2 factions, 6 races, 8 archetypes, and 28 classes. Meanwhile, the game features a plethora of content: 1,500+ quests, full PvP, raiding content, instance dungeons, crafting system designed as minigames, pets, and even goblinball-soccer played with a goblin!

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