Age of Conan: another massive free update

Funcom has announced that the company has released another massive free update to ‘Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures’. The new update follows in a long line of free updates that have all introduced massive amounts of new content, new features and groundbreaking enhancements to the game.

“I am very pleased to say that the feedback we have received from our community on Update 6 so far is very good,” says Funcom Game Director and Executive Producer Craig Morrison. “The new guild renown feature is becoming very popular, and we are already seeing guilds compete against each other in order to score higher on the guild rankings. We really feel that this additional layer of gameplay will add a lot of depth to the game, especially in terms of creating an even better social environment on the servers.”

Update 6: ‘Return of Thoth Amon’ introduces the much anticipated guild renown feature, where any guild on any server can acquire renown points that unlock exclusive rewards. Anything that the members of that guild do – fighting monsters, fighting other players, crafting items – will generate renown for the guild. Renown points will unlock guild levels, and will for instance allow the guild to decorate their guild city with new buildings, statues and banners, or allow the guild’s members to gain access to exclusive item rewards. Players can view a list of the top ranking guilds on all servers from inside the game as well as through the new guild rankings website available on the community portal.

The update also introduces tons of new content, mainly the addition of Thoth-Amon’s Stronghold – a new dungeon featuring, for the first time ever, tier three raid content. Here players will be able to encounter Conan’s arch-nemesis Thoth-Amon and even fight alongside King Conan himself.

Read here all you need to know about Age of Conan.

Visit the official website of Age of Conan.

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