4Story: Saturday fever

4Story announced that every Saturday morning 7 consecutive tournament events will be held starting this weekend which called “Saturday Fever”. Zemi, developer of 4story is emphasizing that all MMO gamers would die for this open and public PVP system that hasn’t been introduced in MMO industry so far. Addition to this, folks from Zemi told us that one of their users simply gained more than 7 times game money as a winning gift of 1 tournament betting as a spectator of the tournament.
Events Details
The Coliseum tournament event will be launched every Saturday. When : 10:00 ~13:00 PST, Saturday, Every weekend. Prize: God's treasure of Taiconteroga (2 units), God's treasure of Gebrah (2 units) for the final winner. Tournament proceedings (Each tournament will last about 30 minutes. After each tournament finishes, next tournament will start in 5 minutes.):

Tournament 1: 1st Class Individual tournament (All class)
Tournament 2: 1st Class team tournament (All class)
Tournament 3: 1st Class individual tournament (Warrior)
Tournament 4: 1st Class individual tournament (Assasin)
Tournament 5: 1st Class individual tournament (Archer)
Tournament 6: 1st Class individual tournament (Wizard)
Tournament 7: 1st Class individual tournament (Summoner)

Check here all you need to know about 4story. And visit its official website.

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