4story: movie making contest

4Story announced Youtube movie making contest will be commenced today.
How to Participate:
1. Create a game play trailer of 4story and upload it on both Youtube, and 4Story official community site at Facebook.
2. Upload the link on the forum, (4Story film festival section) with a short introduction of your video.
Feb. 19th to Mar. 2nd before the regular maintenance (3rd)
1. The game play trailer must include the game site domain www.4story.com, and the title must include '4Story'.
2. The length of game play trailer must be 30 ~ 60 seconds.
3. The game play trailer must only contain 4Story contents, and any other external contents will be disqualified Ex) Screenshot of Playboy Miss November
4. Make sure to Input your character name in the post.
How to win the contest:
It will be fair and simple. The contestant with most views recorded will win the contest.
Winner will be selected during the maintenance on Mar. 2nd and will be announced on Mar. 3rd.
1. First Place: $200 Cash points
2. Second Place: $100 Cash points
3. Third Place: $75 Cash points
4. Participant reward: Race Horse 7 Days Ticket.

Read here all you need to know about 4story.

Visit the official website of 4story.

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