Zombies Monsters Robots Presents Game of Drones

Zombies Monsters Robots - news

With Games of Drones, En Masse has just announced the latest update for Zombies Monsters Robots, which is due on April 14, 2015. Players may look forward to a new levelling-rewards system, a new competitive game mode, 5 new maps, new co-op scenarios and drone companions.

The new drone system will allow players to acquire mechanical companions that will join them in battle in co-op modes. They will be able to get their hands on 4 unique drone types that differ from each other in terms of appearance and attacks and can also be altered with modifications and abilities.

The new levelling rewards will provide players with more free unlocks such as costumes, turrets, drones, permanent weapons and modifications.

The update furthermore includes the new Assault Ops co-op campaign, "Occupied Earth", which an extremely challenging Nightmare difficulty mode, as well as the new multi-level map "Charnel Halls" for the Mercs vs. Monsters mode, which enables players to control one of more than 20 playable character classes, e.g. a demonic emperor, a witch or a mech-suit.

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