WildStar Gets Major Content Update

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Mystery of the Genesis Prime, the biggest patch yet, arrives to WildStar, providing players with brand-new lore, content, new zones, quests, enhancements to the Runecrafting system in order to make raiding more accessible as well as some fixes.

"It’s been a long time coming, but I think the players will be pleased with the direction WildStar is heading", told Mike Donatelli, Carbine Product Director. "We're focusing on the needs of our players above all else, and making sure we take our motto, "Play the way you want to play," to heart. In a nutshell, that’s the future of WildStar."

Here are some of the highlights in the update:

The Defile, a new level 50 zone that adds a lot of content for those who enjoy playing alone, allowing players to explore even more thrilling places, to achieve additional achievements and to complete further path missions.

The Black Focus provides small group (5-player) content that tasks players with taking down the crazed Phagelord known as Koral the Defiler.

Siege of the Lightspire is a 20-person, 5-part public mega event that requires players from both the Dominion and Exiles to work together for a common cause.

OMNICore-1, a multi-part story packed full with new lore content which progresses the story of Nexus further, including ivotal cinematics, memorable characters, unique mechanics and more.

New gear, achievements and loot Monetary quest rewards have been augmented by 140%, junk items have had their vendor sell value increased, and group and raid difficulty creatures drop a higher quantity of loot.

Accessibility and comfort Raiding has become more accessible as requirements on Veteran dungeons and Adventures have been lowered, and you only have to complete them with a Bronze Medal. Also, rented mount vendors have been added to Algoroc, Celestion, Deradune and Ellevar. These vendors will provide an inexpensive and temporary license that will allow players the use of a mount for 24 hours.

Changes to Runecrafting The Runecrafting system is more rewarding and new runes have been added, giving players more choices than ever.

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