Wargaming.net delays the launch date of World of Warplanes

Wargaming.net has announced today that they have changed the worldwide launch date for its anticipated flight combat action MMO World of Warplanes to November 12 and 13. Wargaming is going to use the time gained with this delay to polish more game, so when it is released, players can enjoy a richer, more absorbent and immersive multiplayer experience.

World of Warplanes Flight Combat MMO screenshot 20092013 RW2 World of Warplanes Flight Combat MMO screenshot 20092013 RW3

We are committed to releasing a great title and are doing everything to ensure that World of Warplanes gets the final polish we believe the game needs,” said Vlad Belozerov, World of Warplanes' Director of Global Operations. “The extra time will allow the development team to fine-tune the game balance and make sure that every feature is top-notch before launch.

World of Warplanes Flight Combat MMO screenshot 20092013 RW4 World of Warplanes Flight Combat MMO screenshot 20092013 RW5

Information source: press release of Wargaming.net.


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