TERA presents its new dungeon, the Dark Cathedral

TERA has unveiled its new dungeon the Dark Cathedral. The Dark Catheral is a building that stands alone in the desert wilderness, and test the capabilities of the adventurers who dare to fight in the sacred walls of this tarnished relic. Lok, the once mighty but now defeated demon god, has long been gone, but through the use of dark magic, his followers are determined to resurrect their savior.

The Dark Cathedral, which was once home to thousands, is built on three levels and is now home to a collection of evil opposing forces. Struggling through the first wave of monsters and barricades the soldiers stumble soon clerics acting as the last line of defense before Dark Bishop, the hidden force that guides and is hidden behind this evil crusade. Defeating him will open access to the third and final level, where a large collection of bosses make up the final challenge. Only after defeating them will end the threat.

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