Survarium’s 4th Dev Diary

Survarium - news

Releasing the 4th instalment of their Dev Diary, Vostok Games today unveils details about the Freeplay mode in Survarium. This separate game mode's map is significantly larger than the normal PvP maps, allowing players to search for valuable items, participate in random events and perform tasks in behalf of different factions.

Freeplay is a unique combination of survival, RPG elements as well as player-versus-player and player-versus-environment aspects. As they gain EXP, reputation and money for completing tasks and performing other actions, players will be able to develop their characters. However, the items scattered across the map will only grant money, EXP and reputation in case the players is capable of leaving the map alive taking them with him or her. In case they're killed, they will drop all items which can then be picked up by others.

The map consists of multiple massive structures that vary according to the gameplay difficulty and risk. Some of the areas only become accessible after playing through the entire story quest chain while the most treacherous of them are only available to those who are equipped with the best available gear.

The key element of this mode is a storm that will occur about every 2 real-time hours, offering the opportunity to come across particularly valuable items afterwards. Approximately 15 min before the storm breaks out, new players won't be allowed to join in and there will also be a warning those present within the map in order to allow them to either leave the zone or find shelter in order not to die from the storm. When the storm seizes, survivors receive a 10-minute head start to search the area for extremely valuable items now being scattered around before some of them will be destroyed and new players will be allowed to enter.

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In Freeplay, nobody is ally of foe by default; it's absolutely up to the players to determine their relationship with others. However, they will often be given competitive tasks, e.g. while one is tasked with protecting a camp, another one has the quest to destroy it. Quest can generally be categorised as 3 different types:

- Story quests, which are associated with advancing the plot, are handed out in the lobby and can only be completed in Freeplay mode, allowing for several solutions. They will be added through updates as the story progresses.

- Secondary quests are given when entering the mode, usually indicating a sort of side solution or goal to the current story quest. They are issued in behalf of the faction the player cooperates with.

- Random quests are finally given directly while the player is playing.

Furthermore, all players in Freeplay mode will have "karma", a value that can be seen by others and is saved between game sessions. While behaving properly and performing actions such as helping others will make the player’s karma grow, killing other players will result in a karma decrease. It’s even possible to have a bounty put on your head.

We can't wait to check out this mode and recommend staying tuned in order to find out more.

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