Rushwar Available on August 15

Rushwar - news

Lekool's newest browser-based empire-building MMORTS Rushwar will officially launch tomorrow, August 15, at 8:00 PM (PST). Set in the Middle Ages, this title allows players to start out with their own modest city that they have to gradually evolve into a flourishing empire.

Featuring military simulation and real-time construction, the game’s basic aim is to construct buildings for the population as well as structures that allow for setting up an army. Rushwar also provides players with an in-depth quest-guide system to help them grow and guide them on how to proceed in the game.

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In case you want to find out more about Rushwar, please stay tuned, as we will soon come up with a detailed profile of this game.


1 Comentarios de Rushwar Available on August 15

  1. Drew7

    At first this game may seem like a typical online RTS game with a refreshed look, but Rushwar has a bunch of unique aspects to it. I have already spent hours on this Free-to-play game.

    I’d recommend people give this a shot, as unlike other games of this genre, it is NOT pay-to-win.

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