New Tribal Wars 2 Feature

Tribal Wars 2 - news

InnoGames has just communicated the implementation of the new Second Village feature into Tribal Wars 2 and also released a video in this context with Game Designer Thomas Fisher explaining the feature, which you may watch further below.

The Second Village allows players to acquire a 2nd settlement through quests within 5 days, which will significantly speed up the initial progression in the game and allow for reaching the mid-game quicker.

"Tribal Wars 2 is essentially about managing a whole empire, moving troops from one village to the other and performing strategic attacks on enemies," explained Nino Protic, InnoGames' Senior Product Manager. "However, it currently takes players up to two weeks until they have their second village and know this gaming experience. We wanted to change this so players will now get the full gaming experience way quicker and easier."

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