Neverwinter Announces Elemental Evil

Neverwinter - news

The release of Elemental Evil, the next module for Neverwinter, has just been announced for March 17. In addition to an increased level cap of 70, players may look forward to a new playable Paladin class as well as the return of Minsc & Boo, the fan-favourite duo of a ranger and a miniature giant space hamster from the famous video games series Baldur’s Gate, which will assist players in discovering the true nature of the Cults of Elemental Evil.

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The introduction of the Paladin will raise the number of playable classes to 8 in total. Players will be able to decide for either tanking or healing Paladin builds and will enjoy a new set of quests, feats and slottable class powers.

Neverwinter continues the partnership with Wizards of the Coast as Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment maintain a one-to-one release cadence with the official Dungeons & Dragons storylines. The Cults of Elemental Evil are also present in the upcoming tabletop adventure release, Princes of the Apocalypse.

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