LEGO Minifigures Online begins its Closed Beta Registrations

LEGO Minifigures Online - news

Funcom has released the official registration website for the closed beta of its next project, LEGO Minifigures Online. The Closed Beta does not have yet an approximate start date, but when it begins Funcom is going to invite a growing number of testers to participate as more content and more gameplay features are introduced to for players to test.

 Lego Minifigures Online screenshot RW1

"We are heading into very exciting times," says Executive Producer for 'LEGO Minifigures Online' at Funcom, Lawrence Poe. "Closed Beta is first and foremost an incredibly important tool which allows us to receive valuable feedback from our audience, feedback that we can use to improve the experience and make it the best possible game before we launch it to the masses. The whole team is looking forward to opening the door and letting players come in and experience some of the great stories, content and gameplay that we are creating."

Lego Minifigures Online screenshot RW2 Lego Minifigures Online screenshot RW3

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