Kingdom Rift Gameplay Commentary

Kingdom Rift - First Look - EN

We eventually dedicated some of our time for trying out R2Games' latest masively multiplayer online role-playing game Kingdom Rift that thrusts player into the classical fight against evil forces, tasking them with nothing less than saving the entire world. You will advance through the game by fighting through dungeons and world bosses as well as participating in arena PvP and attaining gear, mounts and goddess companions of all sorts to assist you throughout your journey.

We've come to accept a certain style of game from R2Games and were as aeger as ever to put one of their latest releases to a test in order to find out whether they continue to follow the identical strategy as with lost of their previously launched MMOs or if they actually dare try anything different. Watch the following video to get to know if we saw anything different compared to R2Games other titles or whether Kingdom Rift just once more left the feeling of being the next Wartune version in a new wrapping.

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