Gamescom’s Hearthstone Experience

Hearthstone - Exclusive - EN

Meeting with Blizzard during the GamesCom is always an interesting experience and with the Blizzcon only a few months you do often end up in a position where the things you have to report on and check out are already pretty publicly known. When you sit with the team of Blizzard  Dev team there are a lot of question and answers, particularly if this is also the objective of the meeting.

In past years these presentations took us a large private area within Blizzard stand, one of the largest in the fair as anyone who has been to GamesCom can tell you. This year our “meeting” was down on the show floor, a very noisy and crowded area in which developers, members of the crew and the hostesses were bustling around as the dozens of media who were in the same area to test first-hand Curse of NaxxramasHearthstone's new expansion.

Upon entering the stand the hostesses led us to a PC with Hearthstone installed and although we were already familiar with the game because we played quite the fact that default language was German didn’t help us much. This was because the GamesCom is held in Köln, Germany, so the language was hardly a big surprise, since the majority public presentations and shows on the public floor are presented in German. After spending a few minutes trying to change the language, the hostesses informed us that the PCs were all locked to German and we had to play on the tablets.

Honestly, there wasn’t that much that hasn’t already been published on the Hearthstone site, forums and blogs that most people wouldn’t already know about. In this expansion, players will have to fight against various AI monsters and bosses to complete Naxxramas. In the game we got to check out the Construct Quarter, which was led by the boss called "Patchwerk".

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An important detail is that while we played the game we realized that all the new cards were unlocked and available for us to see, and we concluded that they are very useful and interesting cards. During the event we couldn't use our cameras, so we simply fought against the construct abominations.

Although we are not outstanding players, we have enough experience with the game, but the new wing proved to be very hard, almost impossible to defeat with the predefined deck, so we decided to create a customized deck with good synergies to confront our opponents. With our deck we reach Patchwerk, although this boss hits HARD, 5 damage per turn and a hero power that could outright destroy a minion. We didn’t last too long against him...

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When players defeat the new bosses they'll also get new cards and those who complete all the wings and defeat all bosses will be rewarded with legendary cards. Players are also able to take on the Construct Quarter in Heroic Mode as well as featuring two Class Challenges that are also made available once all the bosses are defeated on Normal mode.

We have to say that this expansion is not easy so it is a very interesting challenge.

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