– Gamescom 2013 – Marvel Heroes speaks about its upcoming innovations.

We had the opportunity to talk with Leo Olebe from Gazillion during the Gamescom, and he spoke to us about the latest changes and upcoming updates that are coming to Marvel Heroes.

Gazillion changed several things of the game based on player’s feedback. They have decided to maintain a healthy base of players and improve Marvel Heroes depending on their preferences so players can bring their friends to the game, and other players who like the Marvel franchise.

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At the moment the changes that they have made are positive, like the the way of acquiring new heroes: rather of the previous standard drop, players now earn points that they can spend to buy the hero they want, there are also new slots in the character inventary where you can put items and also the game launcher has been improved. New Heroes are being released at a greater pace and there are new areas as the X-Men Mansion where the players can train their characters against waves of enemies with increasing difficulty.

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Another cool social thing is that skills are now enabled while you’re in social hubs so you can just use them to show off, getting faster to wherever you want to go. They have issues when running missions with other random players, when they rushed through the level leaving no XP nor loot behind, or you just enter when it’s about to be complete. All of these has been fixed and now works as intended from the beginning.

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Another interesting social feature is that the skills are going to be active in the social hubs, so you can show them, or use them to go from one point to another one quickly. They also have readjusted some issues when running missions with other random players, when they cleaned the levels without leaving any experience or items behind, or when you enter and the level was about to be completed. All these problems have been fixed and now work properly.

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All these changes and many more will arrive to the game in a few weeks, and right now the developers are testing and polishing the new content and changes.

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