– Gamescom 2013 – Exhaustive presentation of Lego Minifigurines Online

Some time ago, Funcom announced that they had acquired the license to develop a Lego MMO focused on the theme of Lego Minifigurines. For those who you've never heard of the minifigurines, they are small Lego characters sold in closed polybags. These figures can be based on movies, sports, history, science fiction and even in series, with new minifigurines constantly being released. Players can collect these figurines, and mix their parts, and as you will see in the video you can also do it into the game.

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During the Gamescom we had the opportunity to chat with the guys from Funcom and witness an exhaustive presentation of Lego Minifigurines Online, which we recorded in order to satisfy your curiosity.

The game is basically an action “Hack&Slash” RPG, with a gameplay surprisingly similar to Torchlight II or Diablo III. Instead of using a single character, in your adventures you can bring 3 figurines, each with their own abilities and gameplay style, which of course has a real collectible version. You can change at any time the figurine that you're using to use the most suitable character for each situation. You can also change some parts of your minifigures with parts of other particular figures to get their skills.

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An interesting fact is thatm, even looking similar to Torchlight and Diablo, with the exception of a few instances the game's world is completely open, so you'll encounter other players during your adventures. The game abandons the typical RPG equipment system and instead has a more Lego style progression system, in which you can get bricks and other Lego pieces defeating monsters and destroying things, and with these parts you can improve and  upgrade your minifigurines.

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The graphics of the game are simple, but extremely clear and nice, not too sophisticated, but absolutely enjoyable, being very efective and very loyal to the franchise. They also taught us a battle against a boss which was quite interesting, because it required tactics and good timing to defeat him.

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The game will arrive in 2014 to PC and MAC, and that other tie-in apps will be available for iOS, Android and Windows phones.. And to finish, we show the newly released trailer for the game.

lego head

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