Exclusive Review on KingsRoad

KingsRoad - Review - EN


Graphics: 9
Gameplay: 7
Sound: 8

Overall: 8

Pros: Gameplay, interface and sleek graphics result in a really well-made game.

Cons: Linear level layouts that lack options for exploration and very linear game progression as maps unlock in the same order.


We lately grasped at the opportunity to check out KingsRoad, a new Diablo-styled point-and-click action MMO developed by Rumble Games that is in open beta testing at present. This fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game is absolutely free-to-play and swiftly accessible through any web browser, registering either with your own Facebook account or through the Rumble Games’ platform. You will embark on an epic quest to re-establish peace in the realm, generally beating up a crazy lot of villains along the way, killing enemies, collecting loot and levelling up to acquire new skills.

When logging in to the game, you are taken straight into the action, put in the shoes of a future hero travelling a countryside road where you happen to stumble over some bandits you are fortunately able to get rid of quickly while the tutorial explains the basics of movement, essentially consisting of left mouse click to move or attack an enemy, your 1-5 keys for using attack abilities and QWER keys to quickly apply hotkey items for replenishing manner, healing and so on.

KingsRoad screenshot 1 KingsRoad screenshot 5

The first impression we gathered was just how remarkable the visuals were. Departing from “realistic“ graphics, Rumble Games opted for a more cartoony illustrative style for their graphics. The UI and streamlined HUD is sleek and simple, shunning the mess of flashing icons inducing you to purchase everything as it often occurs in this sort of free MMORPGs.

The primary map, as well as all following ones, are very linear in design; you follow a path from start to finish and battle the enemies along the way (if this is still the same in later levels we can’t say) until arriving at your final objective, mostly involving the defeat of some sort of boss. The mission completed, you head back to town, taking up the next quest that will lead you to the next instanced map as you carry on with your campaign, unlocking one map at a time.

Every time you set out for a quest during the initial levels, this is typically to save an NPC which will soon after assist you in an unlocked feature, a blacksmith, for example, or an alchemist, shop vendor, skill or class trainer. The blacksmith gave access to nice little feature allowing you to gather gear you no longer need to use it in the creation of an enhanced item for one of your character classes.

KingsRoad screenshot 9

The maps and the story as such are very linear, but nevertheless pretty enjoyable as the story itself unfolds. Players can take on each map several times to gain extra gems (the in-game premium currency) and, after completing all the maps in normal mode, are furthermore able to play through them again in heroic mode, and afterwards in champion mode, for additional rewards.

The class trainer allows you to switch automatically between the three existing classes: Archer, Knight and Wizard, levelling each one up separately while maintaining the same we items, unlock features and accessible maps, providing more replayability with the game. Levelling up a class earned us skill points that could be used to enhance our unlocked abilities used in combat while new abilities are unlocked once a certain level is reached, correspondingly passive skills unlock at level 5 offering permanent boosts to attacks, defences and stats in general.

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We were able to play through a level or two with each class to get aware of the differences. The Knight was a classic tank. Equipped with a sword and shield, he wasn’t the most powerful but able take a lot of damage. Regarding the Wizard, they had attacks focusing on burst damage at their disposal and were a lot better at facing multiple opponents at once with a high damage. The Archer was the last class we tried and actually our favourite; quick, long-ranged attacks that required a little more manoeuvring than the other classes but made him a solid fighter.

While being on a quest, you can have two of your friends in your party to go in Co-op, which becomes supposingly more necessary in the heroic and champion map modes. Starting at level 5, we began to notice other players in the town areas that you are able to invite to your group, add to your friend list or even join a Guild with them.


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