Eudemons Online has announced a new expansion, Trumpet of the Legionnaire

The free-to-play MMORPG, Eudemons Online has just uncovered a new terror, and another new expansion will be officially released the next December, Trumpet of the Legionnaire.

In this new expansion, EO is mainly focusing on the “Legion” side of the game. A new system, Legion Structures, will come available to help you improve your legion’s strength and standing. With the help of the Legion Towers, you will be able to summon new Legion Eudemons and Legion Mounts, which will become your best allies in the upcoming Legion Wars and Legion Quests.

You will find that there is going to be a completely different experience with Legion PK, and battles will become even more intense! And it’s totally free to make your Legion stronger. It will be all up to your intelligence and the cooperation between the Legion members. Start building up your own formidable Legion, and get ready to summon the ancient Legion Eudemons to dominate in the Legion Wars.

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