The Elder Scrolls Online Removes Monthly Fee


Chronicle of a Death Foretold, or not just yet. Bethesda has just announced two important things: First, The Elder Scrolls Online will arrive to consoles on June 9. And secondly but not less important: the removal of the monthly subscription fee; the game moves to a buy-to-play model. Along with this announcement, the final part of the CGI Cinematic trailer has been released.

The console version of The Elder Scrolls Online will be known as The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. It will release worldwide on 9th June on PS4 and XBox One. And no game subscription will be required.

"Our fans are our biggest inspiration, and we’ve listened to their feedback on the entertainment experience they want," said Matt Firor, Game Director of The Elder Scrolls Online. "We know that Elder Scrolls fans want choice when it comes to how they play and how they pay, and that is what they will get. We have made numerous changes to the game over the past year, and are confident this is a game that Elder Scrolls fans will love to play. Players can explore Tamriel with friends, battle creatures, craft, fish, steal, or siege. The choice is theirs. The game offers hundreds of hours of gameplay with unlimited adventures with one single game purchase. We can’t wait for everyone, whether they’ve played before or will be experiencing it for the first time, to begin adventuring in The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited."

All existing PC/Mac game accounts, open or closed, will be updated to the Tamriel Unlimited edition in March 17th and former players will be invited back to the game. From then on, players will only need to make a on-time purchase to enjoy this MMO free of additional charges.

In addition, Bethesda will offer ESO Plus to players who wish to pay a single monthly charge for a premium membership service, providing exclusive in-game bonuses, a monthly allotment of crowns to use in the store and access to all DLC game packs while a member. PC/Mac players with active subscriptions on 17th March will be automatically enrolled into ESO Plus and begin enjoying its membership privileges.

Watch the trailer now:

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