Dream Reactor Presents Spellweaver

Spellweaver - news

Our radars have caught signs of a new F2P Trading Card Game (TCG), which will become available in the near future. While open beta testing of Spellweaver is scheduled around April, Dream Reactor, the developing company behind this game, has just released the 1st teaser trailer you may watch further below.

Spellweaver is set in a fantasy realm where spellweavers of a variety of factions fight for dominance. Whilst a classic-styled TGC, the title adds various unique twist to the genre. The biggest addition is the new unique creature attribute, speed. Creatures with less speed are unable to block faster ones, which can also pick the former as attack targets. However, higher speed is in general mitigated by being weaker than slower creatures, which results in a dynamic balance between greater versatility and raw creature power.

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Spellweaver moreover features a system supposed to reduce the likelihood of being "land starved," meaning that for most matches winning or losing is rather dependent on strategy and deck than sheer luck. Players will additionally benefit from the opportunity to gain new special abilities for the heroes. Starting out into each battle with one special ability, the player’s hero will get access to new abilities for the duration of the entire battle via special shrine cards capable of drastically altering the flow of the game.


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