DragonSoul has started today its Open Beta

Neonga has started today the open beta phase of its free-to-play PvP-MMORPG DragonSoul. The right to rule the eight kingdoms will be hard fought as players prove their might as a Warrior, Hunter, Mage or Assassin.

The DragonSoul realm lies broken and in shambles. For now one can survive by mere weapon skill and some luck. But as the kingdoms grows leaders must rise. To be king you will need to be strategic, you will need to be cunning and if that doesn't work, you will need to make believers out of your enemies with your blade. With over 1,000 quests, adventurers will be immersed into a unique background story inspired by Asian mythology while mastering the four character classes.

Key Features:
- Highly dynamic politics system imbued with spite, malice and greased with gold.
- Numerous skill system with over 1,000 different combinations
- 52+ extensive maps, zones and dungons.
- More than a pet, more than an ally. Over 100 Pets wait to take your side as you stride into battle. Let lose the paws of fury!
- Mounted Combat: Mounts can be used in combat and offer space for up to 4 players.

Players can register here. There will be no further character wipes after open beta has started.

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