Defiance Goes Free-to-play

Defiance - news

We've just got to know that Trion decided to change the business model for Defiance to free-to-play, allowing everyone to play the game for free starting June 4. This decision comes just in time for Season 2 of the TV show and close to the console launch, scheduled for July 15.

Players who own or purchase a retail box or digital copy before June 4 will be granted a 30-Day Paradise Patron Pass as well as 1,000 Arkforge per account, plus additional character slots, loadouts, ark keycode capacity, and inventory slots.

defiance f2p shot

The Paradise Patron subscription and non-recurring passes will provide players with the following benefits:

- Boosts to Skill, XP, Scrip, Salvage, and Reputation gain rates that stack with boosts available in the store.
- 10% store-wide discount on boosts, costumes, lock boxes – all of it!
- A daily grab bag of two-hour boosts.
- Arkforge from Daily and Weekly Ark Hunter Bonus Lock Boxes.
(Console players will have to link their accounts in order to receive these bonuses.)

If you're considering to maybe give Defiance a shot, we recommand to have detailed look at our exclusive review, which may help you with your decision!

Source of information: Trion Worlds press release.

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